Thursday, 12 May 2011

Digital Shadow

I have really enjoyed last week and this weeks study work. Learning about our internet footprint (what we put up about ourselves on the net) and our digital shadow (what we may not know is on the net about ourselves) has been really interesting.  I have been quite relieved to find out that there is nothing on the internet about me that I didn't already know about.

I'm still not that keen on putting up on the net too much information about myself, so I have decided with the theme of 'a few of my favourite things' for my web presence assignment. I have chosen a few random sites and objects that I like and am going to design a background image etc to keep the theme going through my website, twitter account etc.

Unfortunately although I have put a bit of thought into my assignment, at this stage I haven't put a lot of action into it. So with that in mind I bid you adieu.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Busy, busy, busy ...

Gosh - It's been a while since I blogged. In that time I have completed my Web101 assignment 2, hoping to get a better grade than assignment 1. I have actually put in quite a bit of work so am desperately hoping I'm not disappointed. Even handed it in the day before it was due, but that's more because I really want to make sure I hit all my due dates.

I have only just started looking at my Internet Footprint so will have to get two weeks of course work done this week along with starting Assignment 3. I have worked out what I'm doing and how I'm going to do it, so it is mainly just gathering information and putting it all together.

I have also just finished house renovations with a new kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hot water system, heating system, carpet and lino. A busy couple of weeks. A hard couple of weeks. Especially with the carpet. It sounds cool - 'Oooh lets get new carpet, it will make the house look sooo much better'. Then the logistics hit. Having to basically pack up your house and move it all around is no mean feat. Mind you the house has never been cleaner or as clutter free. A silver lining I suppose.

Anyway this week will all be about catching up and getting a move on, so I had better get to it!